CELPRO | Special tools and accessories
CELPRO | Special tools and accessories
5Cases of application

Application sheet - Body tightening on frame of refrigerated truck - DOC.60398
Replace impulse screwdrivers to improve tightening quality & ergonomy.
Body tightening on frame, torque 75 Nm.
Under body tightening on a big lenght.

Application sheet - Box assembly station on electronic board - DOC.60403
Controlled assembly of electronic boxes on a board without forgetting screws with printing at the end of the sequence of a report label.
Improved ergonomics for assembly operations.
Cycle time saving on the tightening operation.

Application sheet - DMS40 automatic screwfeeding system for small screws - DOC.60414
Tightening of 2 screws on a remote control.
Screw diameter 2 mm.

Application sheet - Helicoil insert mounting - DOC.60420
Workstation for Helicoil inserts mounting with positionning control.
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Application sheet - Screwing trolley with slide - DOC.60361
Multi-disc plow frame assembly under difficult access conditions with a tightening torque at 90Nm to improve
screw tightening quality and ergonomy.

Application sheet - Tightening station in profile with screwfeeding systems - DOC.60456
Integrated customised screw-feed kit for fasteners assemblies on profiles with difficult access to tightening positions and automatic screw feeding systems.
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Application sheet - Transducerized angle nutrunner equipped with crowfoot & counter key - DOC.60413
Bolts tightening on filtration device flanges at 250 Nm.
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