Air vacuum system & sleeves
Air vacuum system & sleeves
By holding the screw under vacuum at the end of the screwdriver, this screw gripping system meets your non-magnetic or small screw assembly needs, especially when access to the screw point is restricted.
- Allow the screw to be held in position by vacuum to free the operator’s hand and speed up the assembly process
- Ease the tightening process in spaceless location
- Avoid unexpected fall of screws into the parts
Associated products
Pompe à vide DLP 2570 et nez vacuum pour aspiration DELVO®
L'utilisation d'une pompe à vide DELVO® facilite la préhension rapide des vis de petits diamètres.
Associated services
DOGA propose mounting and start-up by a skilled technician.
Our CELPRO project unit designs tailor-made integrated screwing solutions.
1Commercial documentation

Air vacuum systems - screwdriver accessory to hold screws - DOC.60355
- Mains features
- Vacuum system combinations
- Accessories
- Product and service references
- Air vacuum system inquiry
- Special application case
- Our services
5Cases of application

Fiche d'application - Changement rapide de kit d'aspiration - DOC.40672
Automatiser le vissage de plusieurs vis de types différents sur une installation robotisée dont la distribution des vis est assurée par un distributeur à rail avec une prise de vis par aspiration.
Download the file in pdf