XS-40D controller
XS-40D controller
For GX, GX-G, GX...FS 30 and 40 volts screwdrivers
Thanks to the unique SMPS technology (switching modulation), the connected screwdriver always delivers constant rotation speed and fastening force even for demanding fastening process (self-tapping tightening, soft joint, etc.).
Product description
- Adjustable soft start (from 30 to 200 ms)
- Inputs / Outputs interface for PLC
- RJ input for SCOUT II, DPC Touch counting
- Practical, compact and lightweight
- Reliable: surge and temperature protection from incorrect usage
- Maintenance free for better economy
- High level of quality thanks to the signals available depending on the model or special software: cycle in progress, torque reached, screwdriver locked / unlocked, rotation, etc.
1Commercial documentation

Electric shut-off screwdrivers - GX, GY, GA and DO series - DOC.60207
More robust, more accurate and more efficient!
Brushless electric shut-off screwdrivers - GX series
Brushless electric shut-off screwdrivers - GY series
Brush electric shut-off screwdrivers - GA series
Brush electric shut-off screwdrivers - DO series
Controllers for electric tools
Accessories and services provided
Related products
Our services
2Technical documentation

Part list & exploded view - Brushless electric tools GX-FS serie - DOC.60348
1. GX-FS 60,80,120,180
2. GX-FS 60,80,120,180

Part list & exploded view - Brushless electric tools GX-H serie - DOC.60346
1. GXA 150, 220, 450 -H
2. GXA 150P, 220P, 450P -H
3. GX 150P, 220P, 450P -H
4. GX/GXS 150, 220 -H

Part list & exploded view - Brushless electric tools GX30V serie - DOC.60339
1. GX35, 45
2. GXA 35, 45
3. GX 80, 120
4. GXS/GXT 80, 120
5. GXA 80, 120
6. Firmware

XS-40D XS-40D FA controller instructions manual - MU.60127
General safety rules
Specific safety rules
Electric specification
Mechanical specification
Pin configuration of output
Selectable OUTPUT voltage
Over current protection, over heat protection and reset
Interface with XS-40D controller
Interface with XS-40D FA controller