STANLEY® electric screwdrivers
STANLEY® electric screwdrivers
The torque and angle screwdrivers are designed for your most critical tightening operations requiring accuracy, tightening repeatability, mechanical reliability and data traceability. They guarantee you high-quality manufacturing and the desired productivity.
- Torque sensor EB tools work with ALPHA V "QBE" series controllers whose accuracy allows applications with a torque tolerance of +/- 10% of the capability index or with a tolerance of +/- 5% of the capability index for axial tools and according to the assembly.
- The set of tools in the EB series includes: a dynamic torque measurement transducer, a brushless electric motor equipped with a reducer, a sinusoidal resolver for angle encoding with an accuracy of 0.1 °, an electronic chip allowing automatic identification of the tool by the controller and containing information such as: type, serial number, calibration value, number of cycles performed.
- Advanced tightening strategies: torque + angle monitoring (CC / SA) / angle + torque monitoring (CA / SC) / torque + angle (CC / CA) / drag torque / slope control / tightening at the yield point / untightening / back to position / 255 jobs..
- Extended torque range from 0,4 to 2000 Nm.
- All screwdrivers are equipped with an ergonomic handle with a grip that improves operator’s comfort.
Product description
The range of angle head screwdrivers covers a torque range of 0.4 Nm up to 400 Nm.
They are fitted with an ergonomic lever for starting.
They can be equipped with a transmission axis to allow access to screwing points in a reduced environment.
The range of axial screwdrivers covers a torque range of 0.4 Nm up to 2000 Nm.
They are equipped with trigger or push start for EB12LP models (torque range 0.4 to 14 Nm).
Intended for portable use or to be supported by a torque reaction arm, axial screwdrivers can also be used in automated solutions thanks to the various optional mounting brackets.
The range of pistol screwdrivers covers a torque range of 0.4 Nm up to 105 Nm.
The operator activates the start with a trigger.
They are intended for portable use or to be supported by a torque reaction arm beyond 10 Nm.
The standard output of the cable is on the handle side . It can be placed on the top of the tool as an option (function top exit).
Associated products
STANLEY ALPHA V QBE Advanced controller
STANLEY ALPHA V QBE Expert controller
STANLEY cables for EB screwdriver
highly flexible, armored robot approved cable
• 30 pin connectors with MIL-SPEC pins
• Nut with overmoulded reinforcement on the tool side
1Commercial documentation

Torque and angle transducerized control tools STANLEY - EB series / B series / ALPHA V QBE controllers - DOC.60517
Whatever your application, you will find everything you need in our range of torque and angle transducerized control tools STANLEY.
- Don't estimate your torque...measure it!
- Torque and angle transducerized control screwdrivers - EB series
- Torque and angle transducerized control spindles - EB series
- Torque and angle transducerized control cordless screwdrivers - B series
- Alpha V QBE controllers
- Accessories
- Examples of integration
- Our services
2Technical documentation

Manuel d'utilisation Contrôleur QB Alpha STANLEY- DOC.40670 (FR)
Fonctionnement du contrôleur
Alpha Toolbox
Fonctionnement de l'outil
Prises du contrôleur
PLC embarqué
Annexe A
5Cases of application

Application sheet - High torque fastening on mobile aerial lift - DOC.60319
Assembly of aerial lift components at 225 Nm and 66 Nm without reaction bar. Operator visual guidance required during assembly operations.
Download the file in pdf
Fiche application - Bi-broche entraxe fixe 40 mm – FA. 40619 (FR)
Serrage de 2 vis avec synchronisation du vissage pour garantir le plaquage de l’élément à fixer
Download the file in pdf